Sounds like an e-brawl waiting to happen. Let me know when the pwnage comes to an end so I can clap for the victor.
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03
Sounds like an e-brawl waiting to happen. Let me know when the pwnage comes to an end so I can clap for the victor.
no E-brawl, cromo is a douche he took F-777 song and people should really know
Tehehehe it made me giggle.
its epic to no end
How about actually talking to jesse about it and let the issue fade away? It seems clear jesse approved of it.
dude you know hes never going to step up and say shit man, thats just how Jesse is... hes got is head in the hole, if he dont see the problem then there is no problem
just so you know (if you would of read MY comments on my song) i DID talk to F-777 and he told me to post it. Maybe you should pay a lil more attention. None the less the songs gone due to people complaining (Mainly chron) Soooo thats done and over with. I don't think i'll be posting or doing to much more on this site from here on out thanks to this type of action.
Shame it is. im sure it would have made top 5 xD
In the long run hah, its gone anyway (the song i mean) and all is well for now (dun dun dun)
damn it Wyld you should have stand up to this! im sick of those shit heads getting what they want cus they cry!
Okay, I have to say that Chron is kinda taking this too far for the simple fact that you claim you made the original "better." That's my only beef with what's going on here, really. The best is always the original, what you did Chron was add your own touches to it to make it more of your liking.
Frankly, what I'm really offended at is Chron actually gets a song off the AP because it's against the TOS, for so called "flaming" another user on this site... Yet some how there is still a significant amount of songs bad mouthing my name, and wishing harm on me, and I even have the PMs of death threats to prove it, yet no fucking actions were taking. GG AP mods, srsly.
And diminitive, you're a fucking idiot.
Agreed again
The ToS isn't worth the e-paper it's written on. Video Game music is copywritten. Check the EULA and ToS for your video game collection. So, every last one of the Video Game "remix" and midirip tracks on NG is illegal. Too bad that's almost 50% of the Audio portal and not ONE of the audio mods is going to do anything about it, nor are the Admins of this site or owners. Simply put, if the Video Game portal exists, it's free rein baby. I can sample, you can sample, everyone can sample, because sampling isn't blatantly ripping music like Midi ripping Sonic Green Forst Zone 1, which I might add has been a Top 5 track for someone in the past. So STFU noob.
and InG man comes in to save the day!
:P just about the only one who "knows" what the fuck there talking about then it comes to this shit.
*scrolls down more" fuck its not even worth commenting on all the posts, Fuck it. im sure you took care of it
To follow up on what InGenius said, I don't harass people with my music. I basically sample shit for people to enjoy, since it is music at the end. If you even knew half the shit I do to my tracks you'd actually appreciate what I do. But hell, you're too busy writing shitty "how to's" to eat a person's CPU with useless multiband-compressors. I'm sure your bound to get the BSOD with your amateur ways.
OH SHIT! damn spawn your not holding back haha that was bloody hard on the bloke
but agreed that person has little to nothing to say about any of us, in fars to making music well maybe wize and me but shit we are still better by a long shot.
people need to stop judging on 1st base and see whats going on. my deal was cromo stole a song and people are rubbing his nuts whill he cat claws behind bounce, as far as it goes right any shred of respect i ever hand for any of the VG or techno people has just now gone out the window
so all the reader fuck you,
go kill yourself you worthless space of humanity blender your balls and blow your brains out now you dick sucking can't fight your own battles yeah furry bear harry armpit licking sick0.
and thats all i got to say about him
Woah hold up. You come in bashing Wyld and Druid and then you wonder why you aren't respected? WTF?!
yeah dumb cunt thats all i cant say about that person, its two word and thats it...
nothing more then a dumb cunt
I'm bashing you because you had the nerve to try to belittle Druid. I never said that sampling wasn't illegal on this site, I know it is. But I'm subtle with what I do. I don't enter any contests, I don't win any money, I don't bash anyone with my music. And just because I help people behind closed doors doesn't mean that I don't help out at all. I'm constantly doing step by step tutorials for sampling, composition, mastering, and recording on the NG Vent and on AIM. Get your facts straight before you open your mouth, and I won't have to constantly put you in your place.
i just gave the guy the tag of "D.C" it works for every one. theres no point in fighting with that dumb cunt
Yah? Well... ANAL ORGASMIC MAGIC TIME! (A very random moment)
not so random any more!
Naughty Nations Nevada ranch will be opening soon!
Leather beats Lace
Nice dodge by not even addressing the fact that ToS would deny the Video Game remixes and MIDI rips because they break copyright law. BUt again, you're not rallying around the audio mods for Video Game blood, just samples.
*nod* InG i bet you just walk around with a cape, your just that good
There's a complete double standard on sampling on NG. We are not allowed to sample sounds for our tracks yet flash artists are allowed to sample VG sprites, backgrounds, and use full copyrighted songs in there flash and are permitted to do so....and make money from it!
wow s3c here, thats one guy i never seen any more. what brings you here *looks up* oh well fight the good one honky
Because I use a thing called Fair Use when I sample. That basically means I could do whatever I please to as long as it's nonprofit. It goes the same way with flash. The only thing is that Fair Use is used different for flash when it comes to audio.
The only reason why the TOS demands everything you post is your own work is because if a sample or midi rip goes into a flash, THAT MAKES MONEY, they could somehow get sued. The problem with this is that no one cares. A lot of flash cartoons use industry music like 60% of the time, without even checking the AP out. They even make money using sprites, sfx, and vg music. And no one seems to care.
So even bringing up the TOS was practically pointless because even creators of this site use whatever they please in their flash / audio. Hell, look at MindChambers 'Sabre's Crunk.' You really think he had the time to figure out the entire composition for that song? No.
Hell, even Tomamoto used copyrighted material, got front page, and everyone loved his "Reading Rap." Did anyone stop to tell him that the instrumental for that song is actually copyrighted, and what he did was illegal? No.
Just because I sample doesn't make me wrong on this site. I use my samples strictly for recreational purposes. What other people do with it isn't my problem because it wasn't my intention for people to use it in the first place. If I ever get into legal issues with my samples as well, I'd win the case just because of 'Fair Use.' No money made, no money to give.
really people just want to bitch to hear them self talk
if its good music play it, i love good music its all about the artist and the sound. most people lose sight of that
but for cromo fag he didnt make the song, he didnt sample it, its like he uploaded jesses song, looped it again and added an over all effect on it to bost the sound and really it was shitty. and im sicken by it on every fucking level
hes not an artist hes a fucking thift and i hope all the other ass holes see that
Hey Ash: Lemme chime in for a minute.
Mod view: Sampling not allowed. Sampling in an original way, still isn't your original work. The originality wanted by the site owners was something you composed. Not slicing up someone elses composition. Regardless of terms of use.
However, then...its turned around and said: You can do whatever you want to NG'ers work, as long as you submit it under a license identical to this one.
It does not say you can submit NON newgrounders music from a similar license.
I've asked the admins to chime in and clear this up, once and for all. A couple of times. My answer was, I will get answers one day.
My personal opinion is: I really enjoy listening to some sampled work. In the end, its about how much I enjoy listening to music. And if the rules are changed, then good. I have a few songs with some movie samples in them. haha. But as it stands, I have to represent what I'm enforcing. ATM.
(But hey, did anyone see last weeks FP?)
The whole chron thing...well...
He had every right to post the song, based on what newgrounds says is ok.
He bitched about the other song ..well actually more the "implications" and the song was removed (by the person that posted it) And he seemed more concerned about what Ashley was "saying". But if Ashley didn't call him a thief in his review of the song..he can put whatever the hell he wants in his newspost. And I know he knows that. haha. He's been the victim of someone else's nasty NP's in the past.
Really, I don't know the whole story, but I'm pretty sure a mod wasn't involved in the process of removing the other song. We just don't have the power right now, to delete songs OR accounts. I think now, isn't the time to give us the power to do that, either. The rules aren't crystal clear to some, or they allow for "loopholes" and multi denominational to speak. (interpretations). And we all know that religion leads to war..despite the message.
Regardless, I've heard worse songs with worse implications towards Tom and Wade themselves...and the songs are still here. My personal opinion is: Its just the internet. If you want to call me a thief, just pray you don't meet me in person one day, because I still believe in the good old "punch in the head" cures most assholes. haha.
As for receiving death threats, one has to be careful on the amount of personal information that they release on the web. Death threats to musicians are USUALLY given out of pure jealously of awesomeness. haha. When threatening people have the correct information and the means to carry out a threat, and the threat is interpreted as genuine, it is a criminal offense. At least in Canada anyways.
Anyways, I don't know really if I contributed anything positive or negative....its just information.
I'm still waiting for Ash to do as he says... "yeah im going to have to kick your ass man! i have a weapon that will blow your balls off your brains! :P" haha
Ok ok... you nutty bastard, i get the point... its not to be delt with. and my Weapon desided he wants to be a techno artist and sold his strings!
I actually did have a talk with both chron and jesse. If they both agreed to this in the first place then why is it everyone elses buis? PM
Hahah ok bad man my next song tribute is to you!!!!!! J\K
yes and i will help!
My problem at the moment isn't that the ToS denies us the usage of Samples, it's simply the fact that only Sample and Acapella users are being targeted, not MIDI rippers who are stealing entire tracks from MIDI sites which stole entire tracks from Video Games. That's my point. Don't go after me as a sampler if you aren't fully prepared to go after every single (remix/remake/total theft of) video game soundtrack music. Again and again I've said this: read your EULA, ToS and opening credits on any game made since Atari and you'll notice the music and images within the game are copywritten. This means sprites (for flash) and level music (VG section of NG) are all copywritten. You wanna hassle me because I chop the Amen drum loop up and use that ion a new way in a track, hassle them for outright STEALING sprites and game music. Everytime I see "Mega Man Blah Blah Level" or "Sonic 3 Knuckles Theme" or some other total bullshit VG ripoff track, I look at this sampling thing and all of the audio mod hatred directed to Techno artists using Acapellas or sampling movies or themes, or Hip-hop artists sampling, Rock artist's covering a track, etc. and wonder "Why the fuck aren't they cracking down on the worst, most outright illegal genre on NG?"
As I've said before: because it's the strongest genre, it's the genre the AP was built around, and Mods, Admins and Owners alike do NOT want to admit that they made a HUGE error and they are trying desperately to ignore that error and harass us instead. I hate to infer this, but it's analagous to Hitler ignoring the fact that his own mother was Jewish. Maybe that will let you in on how we tend to feel when this whole "Sampling is Bad!" wave of paranoia hits NG every 2-3 months.
As I've stated time and again and as Spawn has already stated, we do not make a single dime from NG, not one of us. Simply put, since the Mods CAN'T enforce the ToS as it should be enforced, the Admins WON'T enforce it, and the Owners of the site are virtually worthless and non-existent, I can only follow Federal laws in this regards and they state quite clearly that under Fair Use I can sample all I want in my non-profit and promotional material, which is all NG is: not for my profit but rather for my promotion. I really can't help it if the owners of the site make ad revenue, that ain't my fault nor am I affected by that outcome. I am within my rights under Federal copyright laws, the ToS is worthless if it isn't enforced unilaterally, and quite frankly I'll continue to make music as I see fit until such time as NG fixes the problems.
thats what i said nukka!
oh by the way sir
thank you for also putting my song up here :D
haha you know your stuffs the best, i wish i could tell you every day and hold her hand but we need to flock out and shoot zombies!