. . . . . . Hi again there A.C.------> Hate to let you down man but I have no contact info or anything for them (Lord of the Dance). It was simply a reference for you to check into.
You have obvious talent working with meshing the two genres. That in itself is worth seeing about whether they take submissions or not. Their styles change from year to year (I am no expert or anything, my Mum is just obsessed with them), even though there is also the constant in Irish traditionalism as well.
. . . . . . Also, I am starting to realize that there is a basic assumption that ALL NG members/users are dudes. *prepare for yet ANOTHER bubble to be burst by yours truly* Well, I for one, am NOT a guy. Just thought I'd throw that out there. *laughs quietly while thinking of how many times I have read "thanks man", "no prob dude", yeah bro" as I have been reading the comments to my posts* Heh heh heh Good luck to you A.C. Hope to hear some tunes from you BEFORE next St. Patrick's Day. Until then. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Take care, be good and toast your next drink.period
I wish i wasn't working tonight haha.