We the "unforgivable" do the "unthinkable" for the "ungrateful"
In this case in talking about all them guys out there in Hip hop NG that sample.
I bet 80% of you are going "WTF are you talking about?" the fact is Newgrounds your all douche bags and dildo lickers there are hundred of grate musician out there on this site getting a daily beating for what? MAKING WONDERFUL MUSIC!
im sorry but NewGrounds is "EVERY THING BY EVERY ONE!" so why so you get your panitys in a knot when some ones says "n****r" or makes a "white supremacy" flash? think about it your all a bunch of jack offs that laugh at baby raping, 911, aids, rape, fag beating, unicorns with big fucking dicks on there heads, and jesue getting gang banged by tellytubbys! so why is it so fucking horrible when some one samples a fucking song from kingdom hearts?
the way i look at it if you ban YunVeroz (link to yuns page) you need to ban any ones whos sampled! like War-spawn, killbill, InGenius, heywire, freddyfinger, ect ect (the list can go forever) then you need to ban every one in the video game portal and any one whos ever used a fucking Midi (witch is all of you!)
so support change on newgrounds! please sign your name up right here to make the audio portal better for us all!
NEW GROUNDS! "Every thing by Every one!"
*edit* fuck Chronamut hes a douche bag dildo licking cunt cuddler who needs his eyes to get raped out with a mesh of barred wire!
Damn thats harsh.
it is harsh! so we need to take a stand to change the polices of Newgrounds to freely submit our work to the audio portal!