When you think about it, what is in a name? how do you know the name you have is right for you? Do you feel your name stick out to people? do you think your NAME is going to be the thing that makes are brakes you? well i have a story for you all... your name don't mean shit... you can have a kick ass name but it will have no weight behind it if you don't put in the effort to make a name for your self!
like lets look at F-777... wow what a shitty name! really think about it... its like a really bad computer command, Control + Alt + F + 7, 7, 7
but the thing is Jesse MADE that name for him self! he didn't give a shit what people thought of his name... he only cared what people thought of his music.
0con... any one remember that guy? same point... like really Zero - "Con" thats basic and some what retarded, personally I'm highly ageist people using numbers or symbols in there name like "Kr1tz" or "ke$ha" but you know what... those people MAKE THERE NAME WORK!
with hard work, and good music there names alone made them a iconic.
hers a name a hate even more then the others! "wyldfyre1" like fuck... really... REALLY DUDE not only did he put a number in his name... he didnt even have class to spell it right! its like HOLLA @ CHO NIGGZA$... im not a fan of 7331 speak and i hate words that are misspelled on purpose. that shit reminds me of "myspace" and we all hate myspace...
but the point is, have you never listen to wyldfyre1 music? its just kick ass... very melodic and soothing, he does have funny songs but for the most part they are hardcore killer!
i went threw many names for my self
Druids-Warcry (me now)
Burning Ash
The prototype (should be on NG still)
DJ*Roulette (still some where on NG)
Druid - just ... Druid
Goodmen (yes i called my self goodmen... like John goodmen)
Mageus (might be on NG some where)
DxR ( Digital-Xcstasy ) heres a link http://digital-xcstasy.newgrounds.com/
RapidIce2 ( this is only really funny to ONE person out there )
Sine P. Reggin - (just spell the name back words....)
Druid THE nomad
DJ Psychote ( like Psycho + Note )
John doe, The vagabond
last but not lest
Meta4, or /\/\eT@-4
but in the end i just stuck with "druids-warcry" you know why?
its what people know me by... if you Google "Druids warcry" you will get me and thats it... i made a name for my self. its not the best name but its my name! so go out there and make a name for your self!
Hey bro, i appreceate the love =) Just stick with the name you have and enjoy it for what it is. Its what people know you by.