Hello every one on New grounds how you all doing?
If your reading this Post on my NG blog. its to let you know that I put out a few new songs and would love to hear your opinions on my style, Sound and over all production. I feel I have improved quite a lot over the past year and wanted to get some Feed back from my fans!
Specter aka "Circuit Valley" is a new techno song I put a lot of love and hard work into. go check it out!
Mr. Nicebuzz A cool little Ambient song with a hint of trance.
The Venture of a Cruel Templar Giving a try at Classical sounding game music!
Suicide kings Last hand This song is a Hip hop song. Sampled used from the song "gloomy sunday" The Hungarian Suicide Song.
It would mean a lot to me and would help out a great deal if you would take just a few minuets of your time to send some feedback.
Not only have I gotten better at music I am also in a film group called film.lovable
and here is our Youtube group Youtube videos
If you get board and want to kill some txt based zombies then this little site may be the time killer for you.
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all other sites to find druids tunes
Sound Click
Reverb Nation
DxR myspace