dude this shit is TIGHT SON! naymein
dude this shit is TIGHT SON! naymein
Thanks Druid :D
killer song man
I love them crushed sounding songs. Really this is just pure Epic dude. Keep this shit up!
dude this is just some crazy shit dude
The only time i really dig 8bit is when your doing it. This song rocks man!
Hey man this is good! not sure what contest you was doing this for but try a little bit more layers on that pads for a more full sound
love the melody little more reverb on that snare. and it be gold
good to see their are still people on NG with talent for techno.
noted, thanks:]
dude this is just Dope!
thanks dude)))
really good man
sick song man
Thanks man, Im glad you dig it.
this is some really good Atmospheric sounds you got man this song depicts air very well
Thanks :)
really good
they sounds cool man.
simple but really chill. Sounds like some thing i hard before like a tune of other song but its still really nicely done.
that blows
dude i know how it is... shit sucks balls. haha i take it you space out in your music too? ah FL what a grate escape
Really cool song too! its strange but really enjoyable
Thank you! Yes, making music definitely helps!
I like what your doing man, its true to the art in its self. Keep up the good work.
Thank you!
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03