two words dude
Chilled and ill, This beat is just smooth like good scotch
two words dude
Chilled and ill, This beat is just smooth like good scotch
thanks bro.
kids ill man! and this beat is so sick man :P really chill
thanks dude.
dude i like Chorus 1 better!
i love this song! i think that riff playing is fucking hot!(at 2:50 on) and i still don't know how you did the vocals you never told me D:
this is grade a bass ass dude! keep this shit up! i cant wait till the album is out!
I never did tell you? Fuck. I'll have to catch you on messenger one day. :D
Thanks ash. \m/
nice dude!
really layed back :P and chilled as shit i love the shakers, and the sample was craze loving every second of it!
thanks bro
Oh yeah!
I feel this! this is like one of them kick ass songs of awesome awesomeness! like god told heywire "make a song i can grove to with a chick when i shape shift in to a bull" and heywire said.... that being you "sure dude" and you dude... and its this song!!!!
so just know when your song is getting played... gods out there some where getting on with a bitch as a bull! :P god bless you HW
thanks hahaha nice scenario
really ill dude!
Oh i like this! i wish i could make d&b!!!! this is hard dude, haha i wish you show a tip or two for this!
for sure dude no worries
Its not bad dude, i mean i heard lost worse in sampled tracks i found it to be some what annoying, and i also feel that your cymbals where off with the track my self. I mean tone them down and lessen the reverb and they be good. i would have pitched down the violin to make it sound different to give it a change up. Maybe used a different cymbal all together (back on the cymbal thing again!) but yeah the Vox was not bad, the idea is really clear my dude but im sure better composure would have done this more justices
Heh, yeah you're mostly right.
This was kind of a first try to sample a song, so...
But thanks for the good advice!
nice man
not bad dude, too much effect on your voice on hook other that not a bad song, sick beat :P tell InG man that
The only effect on my voice is reverb and compression. I brought my voice up there.
bitchen! sick ass beat!
haha thanks
really stellar, not sure i call it Jazz though i dont hear any thing else but piano in it. so it be classical or some thing but still very nice
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03