and this is why i love dzk...
and this is why i love dzk...
dude this is good! i like it! reminds me of old punk! good work! keep it up
Thanks!! Thats what we were goin for, the new cd is gonna kick ass!
not bad for an Experiment
not bad for an Experiment... its like the time i put my finger in my butt...
not really.... the pad on one note is a bad idea... the soft drum and shake is cool... but the triangle is lame really lame i change it to a woodblock or some thing with a vibroslap echo and may be a prolonged Bass hit to give this depth, the Random BANGS was lame... oh hey you added woodblock... sweet!
OMG THE VIBRO SLAP! good call on that one jeevies
(oh if your confused on this review im typing and lissing to it at the same time.... ADD A FUCKING ECHO TO THAT SLAP!)
haha not a bad little tune!
thanks, your right about the 'bangs' that is dumb.
also aparently, the three notes on the triangle--that part was supposed to be a woodblock. my bad... shows how much i payed attention to this...
not bad
the only thing that striked me off was your Drums and that bass... one the bass is sooo simpal like is that Boobass? with now effects!!!!! WFT DUDE! the drum kick i find bland and slighty wrong of this song.... the counter and main meldoy is nice, on shot on this the ambience is the how build of this song i feel.... i dig it but i dont love it. nice work though
I don't know what boobass is, but it's simple I agree and I think it does the job. And the kick is just typical for this kind of music.
Thanks for advice though
very chilling
to the core this is a chilled out song, i like the pergression in this song, kicks hard after 2 mins in good build in the song wonderful dynamics. the drum is on point and i love your melodys this is a grate song! 10s all round man! nothing strikes me odd about this song... like i just enjoy it! (witch is odd... i can find 100 things i dont like about things in a heart beat) kudos
not bad
really you have an idea here not bad.... really needs work on EQ melody is ok... but your bass over powered your whole song! controle grasshoper! the nobs are there for a reason son! keep it up though you will ge it :P we all start some where
how can this song have 23 votes and only 3 listens? its not bad... needs more dude really like the dark vibe off this shit!
yeah its really weird n funny....23 votes n only 3 listens wtf? i dunno how pple judge music without even listenin to it !! Anyway thnx for ur review dawg :)
Loved it then, love it now! best Damn dong in the fucking world! dude really i hope this gets top 5!
really good!
i think this ill as hell dude! Im not sure i like the distortion so much on it, and it seems to be a little on the heavy side, a little more EQ and this be point blank BANG! you can tell in a lost of spots its rough, but really nice meldoy in it, good work you deserve your spot on the top week
thanks, glad you like it :p
new version will probably come up with all the advice :p
see, this is now you really know pain pills work... you know why?
(sorry spawn i had to do it too!)
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03