not bad
theres not a lot i can dis about this song, but i i dis like slayer, the Organ sounds cheese and the boobass is cute.
not bad
theres not a lot i can dis about this song, but i i dis like slayer, the Organ sounds cheese and the boobass is cute.
dogs are gay
oi Rucklo is board again
all dogs assholes should be sawn up, kindof like forcing castration upon them - why not make sure their asses are shut while we're at it?
i like it
sounds a bit like that ecceder song
needs a little more work there buddie. not bad
im sorry chip toons and 8Bit cant ever be "epic" nor "cool" its not bad, but the days of Nes was back in the 90s buddie :P
melts my face with bells and joy!
it burns too much!
Well too cute for me, its not bad Tone it down a bit, the EQing needs much work
i like it... kind of
im sure with a little work this could be cool. its got the idea there, work on it!
you should do some thing with this
there not bad, it seems like the same notes played in the 1st one kinda but played faster and faster each time
the first and second one are sorta the same notes, but no quite, and the real fast one is only simliar in that it starts in the same octave, so it might have a couple of the same notes but w/e
thx for review
nice one milkie
really Dig it, its really pro work! its sweetass!
Thanks man.
really good
not bad there, its kinda catchy there, very Dacey. i could hear this in a club! It sounds a lot like them old ass techno songs in the 90s! Like that 7 seas song and days go by. Its like them kinda but its cool I dig it. Good job
Thanks! =]
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03