I forgot to Add
The intro is 0 - 32 -News Reporter talk
the Clip is from 32 - 1:28 -the real funny stuff
ends off from 1:28 - 2:01 -News Reporter Ending.
haha This is just one of the very many things we do on NUG Ventrilo!
I forgot to Add
The intro is 0 - 32 -News Reporter talk
the Clip is from 32 - 1:28 -the real funny stuff
ends off from 1:28 - 2:01 -News Reporter Ending.
haha This is just one of the very many things we do on NUG Ventrilo!
I am feeling this!
Its good to see you and Sly on the Tracks again.
this is a good comeback from you two!
I dig it
4.12 / 5.00 (+ 0.077)
Really nice guys
Damn man this is Deep, this is some heavy shit man. the Spit its very depressing man, but its hits in the heart.
Nayslay: good spit man, really heavy lines and on point. you can always sound good when you put your self into it. I like this cus its like a reflecting man do falling from the top. you only get to stay there for a little bit then you get knocked off.
Merc: Nice hook really good. I love your spit about that guy whos lost his feeling for the art. shit vemon spit man, it sticks in my mind, and the flow was on point!!!! i would just say turning your self down a bit, other then that.
3.83 / 5.00 (+ 0.15)
this is the illest shit, I love it when you do Tracks like this guys. good team work on this one.
thx man ill do that mang
yeah man
Same thing as the other songs, i might as well just review this one to review them all cus there all the same so here's a review on this one.
Well, Your Vocals are off, your flow was just not up to par, i think you could have done better with the EQ in your voice.
Glad that you include my name in most your songs now, makes me feel "real" important, to know my name is in your tracks. blah blah real knows real. well I'm kinda glad you don't see us as real cus your just about as fake as the rest. like you said Real knows real. i mean i feel i accomplished some thing in my life, I am now the obsession of some one on the Internet! i am in the lejin Hall of fame will billy, War-spawn, Ses, InG Merc. I mean wow this is an honor.
going to sum it up.
here's a review on your next 20 tracks.
meh its OK, needs more work, your tone is off, the flow was not on point with the beat, the beat is hot though, it really made the song. EQ your self down a tad, your S's are Static, over all good try and keep doing your own thing you will get it sooner or later. take care 3/5 and 7/10
Hurry up you dont wanna be late for that war of the warcraft raid you fucking imbred lonely piece of shit XD Sure sucks to be you, waking up everyday to nothing but a ventrillo full of nerdy little boys and absolutely no real world face to face communication LMFAO! Look at your face you zit blob i bet you suffer from public anxiety and everywhere you go you hear a laugh and are convinced they are all laughing at you HAHAHAA!! Do you hate life ashley? do you hate your parents for giving you such a cute femanine name? do you hate seeing others having a great time outside while u sit you fat flabby sick ugly hairy ass alone in your room that your mother provides you with so you can hide away from society inside your precious world of the warcraft?!?!
The truth hurts you nerd lord virgin with no friends no life... just the internet you pathethic misfit sloppy disgusting hairy zit blob. LOL the girls cant stand looking at your grosse face you fat piece of shit hahahaha!
<<BANG>>KO!! go pop a pain pill XD
Ill let the next big mad kill you ya disgusting hairy lifeless zit blob LOL!!!!
you can keep practicing grease blob but youll never get it or fit in here. go back to techno you doofy asself lover, you cant make beats for shit and styles took you ta school but im taking u on a field trip with this riht here hope you learned a billion lessons you pathethic misfit rtrying to fit in hip hop LMFAO!!! fucking look at yourself you aint shit and neva gon be shit. Emotional faggot My daughter silly billy be PISSING you the FUCK OFF! hahahahaha and i love it! thats one funny fucking white piece of trash that enjoys hurting your chump ass feelings hahahaHAAHAHahahaHAH!!
- Hip Hop NG's #1 Top Artist Big Bad Lejin!
-Best FLOW
-Best EQ
-Best S's
-Most envied
(Hey ashley... denile will only lead you down the same road that i ran over ses on.... tsk tsk tsk you tone death fat pale white blonde freckle zit grosse ass blob!)
it nice
Im not a Big fan of untis, but this is tight, like dirty vagus shit, man. i really dig it
the brake down at 1:20 odd but it was tight, really good job. keep at it man.
if i knew what untis were, i would comment on that haha. ill keep goin, peace :)
well Tell here we go
the drums not bad they kept on point, the Melody was good with the Rhold, and the Saw sounded good. really it was nice for a first time, much better, then mine, you know a little about music and I think i helped you a bit on the style, like how to use them Drums and bass to feed off each other, the hook was good it swings well and then mixing back to the virse its good. really keep it up
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it :D
this is kick ass
this is got to be one of the better songs on NG, its Tight man the Drums where magic, the trumpit was teh sex, and the strings got me wet. i love it
hahah yeah, lots of sex in this i guess hah.
its like Ozzy
Not bad, you add alot of FX on your voice sounds like acid Ozzy!!!! wooooo!
not bad man 1.68 / 5.00 (+ 0.95) "5" vote 9/10
its good. man the song is tight. the voice is stringy, like I dont know that main guy dont seem to fit even though its your band, its a sound i need to get use to it. not bad at all, thats a good drummer. I got mad respect for real bands on NG most people make Untis untis music this is a good change up.
Actually it's the same guy, though you're right. It was an Ozzy impression gone wrong. I think the unprocessed track sounded more like Carol Channing
Nice song
it was nicely done, really good work over all! I dig it. Im not a big punk fan. i think there was a nitch or some thing when it was really big. it was before kids where Emo... i hope that one dies soon. I miss the girls that where the goth stuff... so nice.
oh yeah your song. I think punk died a long time ago. but its still good. if i can remebmer a good song, i think it be like Sum41 or some thing they where good.
yeah sounds like that. haha xD nice song. have to say. does not sound like shit. keep it up! we need more funny zombie songs! and i agree man a running zombie is wrong,
on the list of monsters fat people hate the most... zombies are on the bottem. i rather run from a zombie then a wolf man... fuck them wolf men... jack ass wolf man.
nice song. keep it up! 2.85 / 5.00 (+ 0.21) I gave yeah 4 man. 8/10
Point Blank
it is, what it is.
I never Stand with R.M.P, or any thing. I keep my pact with my homie I got yo back homie you know that, stand by yo side. real knows real. thats all i got to say. Lejin I got to say man, you where right, but the beef was still funny.
It is what it is...
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03