really chilled InG-man
i really dig this a lot man, really nice. made me think of a claming place youknow back in the parks of DC were i would just chill and watch the snow fall man.
really chilled InG-man
i really dig this a lot man, really nice. made me think of a claming place youknow back in the parks of DC were i would just chill and watch the snow fall man.
Thanks. Yeah, it made me think of looking up at the starlight streaming down to us and reflecting on the water as waves crash against the shore...slowly building up to larger and heavier waves, then crashing and finally calming once more. But hey we all see different things in any symbology. Thanks for the review.
dude kick ass
Ambush and you ripped it man! i mean like God damn! this is hot! good job
quite good
I enjoy it! really nice, make more if you can!
dude kick ass
I <3 FoD you get me wet! OMG dude nice song!
I <3 you moarz!
F-777 i love that mini game with could like on the Bike and you had to do shit lol and the roller coster and the moogle game, lol good times, god bless a game in side a game!
really Relaxed
really calm man, soothing to the soul, makes me feel rejuvated in life! it makes me Seek inner peace not with my enverment but with in my self aswell, Comfort man, this song is peaceful , i would not mind fucking laten or some kinda asian chick to this song, be like, "eat dat sweet and sour port" and then kinda take it out of her mouth and Walk out the door, and as i walk down the Streets with no pants on and a hard cock... this song will replay in my mind and i will have a tear roll down my Cheek for i have given my Life for a much greater goal, Monk lovin!
hah...hah...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DAMNIT MAN!! LMFAO!! thats to freaking funny!
wow this is very powerful
I really enjoyed this! good work your over all work is Sky rockiting! keep it up! please tell me how im doing. BTW you won my heart over as a fan! keep it up and more will follow in the movment!
yay fans! :D, thanks!
um nothing too impressive man
funny tho, not bad but really not all that grate and i really think the simpsons are Very over Rated
I actually kind of agree with you that they are over rated especially since the movie came out and since the show is like the longest running cartoon. Thanks for the review.
Aww man! kick ass!
really Epic! kick ass song! keep it up! you rock hard core, keep it up and you make slayer sound some what good! gratz
love it!
Really Chill, good job! keep me poster on your newer work! and as for your song, just gives me shivers! i would love to make this all trancey!
hey thanx man, i try.
im workin on new stuff right now!
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03