so sad
when i wached this cartoon i cryed. i forgot what it is like to lose some 1 close to you.good job
so sad
when i wached this cartoon i cryed. i forgot what it is like to lose some 1 close to you.good job
water man you have done it agen
lol that was so kick ass i hope you make more cartoons cass that is a clasick
not the bast ff spoff
it was funny but the pichers need to be worked on. the linkon park song was played at the wrong time. the blizball thing was funny with wakka. other than that it was an ok film work harder next time.
i loved it
I really enjoyed the movie Spirited Away, and No Face is one of my favorite characters. How sad it must be to want to embrace all that is living, but be cursed to doom anything you touch...
so sad so sad
this is a keeper
what do i have to tell you people i like to kill da bunneys
lets keep this it has some thing to say i gest dont know whant
what the...what are you talking about?
that is what i needed
ya i need a good loling and you can make me do it make more are i will blow your brans
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03