not bad!
for some reason the Eq is ah 3 par dude but its a bannger! keep it up dude! good to see a new song
not bad!
for some reason the Eq is ah 3 par dude but its a bannger! keep it up dude! good to see a new song
Thanks bro, I gotta get back on the vent...
Hit me up with some beats :)
i cant belieave i missed this
fucking love it! SPAWN IS GOD ALL OVER AGAIN
oh man
i remember this song, i love it! loved it then and its still a clasic sir. BANG BANG
my cock is hard xcore
oh shit
haha im glad you lost the 8bit thing cus this is fucking mindblowing (like every thing you do!) man i dig it bravo and good job. i love the sound you got out of it. its like METAL! and the switch up is hard son, yeah boi halla@chaboi son... (sorry) but yes i love the courds they are sick dude
Haha, dude. Ass kicker, you.
gum on my shoes?
haha not bad took a little too long to drop the spit but Linx that was sick dude really like the lyrics you used very smart! good words.
Wyze really upgrade on the flow but the words was more then less... a downgrade. not bad over all... the beat was all wack though sorry haha
haha, very simple beat for sure. Thanks for the comments on the flow, and ya, lyrically, this isn't my best. I just went in trying to do something a bit different than I normally do, AKA using punchlines.
Thanks for the review man
quick review for a short song
Not bad, not a lengthy review on this on for I only see a few points that need to be fixed and a few points to be praised.
-the song was nice I like its mellowness
-I feel a few notes went sour in the counter melody for this song. In the build up with your higher ranged keys I find them to be very catawampus.
thanks for the review. Hopefully i'll have time to fix and enlarge it.
slight review
While I was listing to this song I can see a few things wrong with it "In my opinion" but let's start off with some pros before I go deeply in the cons.
- Stellar precaution!
The drums where not blan at all (only thing I fix is that snare)
- I love the xylophone you got going on in this song
- Wonderful melodies and counter melodies
- Instrument pick
I find most of your sounds to be more in the high range and to be whiny and annoying for the most part
- You don't have a lot of bass in this song at all, it seems the drum is the only thing you got going on in this (and if you have its deluded from the other synths, (is it a Saw sounding synth?))
- Attitude
Your song may have good melodies but the attitude of the song seems to be low, there's not much of a feeling I get from it. The listener should never have to try to feel the song. The track should come on and over ride the mind of the listener and make it feel them. (Get it?) Attitude is more than good melodies. It's putting them together with complementing sound to brighten or better the mood of the track.
I hope my review helps you out a bit, keep on making music, keep on music and keep adding more styles to the sound of life. Make music your own!
Thank you, we appreciate the time you took to provide such an extensive review, and we will consider your suggestions for future works. We appreciate your advice.
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03