dude this is some thing new
Dude you didnt cut nothing out! this rocks man i give you 10/10!
dude this is some thing new
Dude you didnt cut nothing out! this rocks man i give you 10/10!
Fictional Reality rocks!
Lyrics that i thought would sound cool
Let it rain blood
Let it poor
Scream to the sky!
Shout for more
Look in my eyes
I can’t see the light!
Let rage course in my vain
Let the madness take over
Let me go insane!
Where do we live?
In a Fictional Reality
Fictional Reality
It’s where we all live
Fictional Reality
What do I give?
No were to run
No were to hide!
Brake every thing in side
See the sickness take over!
This wonderful disease
Fictional Reality
What to do
Fictional Reality
Nothing thing I can do
some crazy shit!
this rocks its realy is awsome i vote 5
thanks its the first song i made on fl studio 5
very nice
like the toon it rocked, kicked ass and Kicking!
Wow, this was good.
I have to say the lyrics where nice, rythem was nice keep my head bobbing. The words you say flowed reay well. keep up the good work
wonderful song!
this is a wonderful song i wish i could make riffs i still dont understand FL that much...i liked it towerds the end Kick ass! give me a shout some time and we can collob a song.
Eh, I prefer making songs on my own. But still, I actually have done some collabs with a friend of mine.... The profile is WICKEDAWESOMEFUL, though not in all caps. Just search in the audio section. Some of the songs we've made are fairly rough, but they're still fantastic.
this is one of your better work
I like this one a lot =)
thanx again
this is realy good
made me feel calm and good...sure it was only 3 hours? well please take a look at my stuff that be wonderfull!
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03