very nice
you did a goob job on this =) keep rocking!
tick tock said the taco... goof song very funny
very nice
you did a goob job on this =) keep rocking!
tick tock said the taco... goof song very funny
This Song is BADASS!
YO, this is the best Tetris Remix on freicken NG! this is mazed out points on BASSASSEY! it was so good im makeing up words! BOOYAH! and bubble trumps...wait...
Heehee thanks for the review and the additions to my dictionary
I can dig it!
thanks for all the reviews BRO you rock and sorry to see you go Music-story! but yeah this peace of work was wonderful i liked it I give it the ROCK ON Sigh!
this is awsome! nice, I wondering how you do it man! Good job! and keep it up bro.
thanks again!
Droping a review
well you told me to post some thing about your song...DUDE! PRO! YOU...This ROCKS! what did you use and hey i want to understudy you. Teach me the way to make better music. *bows* this is like the stuff i dreamed of makeing! Keep on rocking i see realy good things comeing from you.
Haha, thanks for all the compliments. Be sure to check out the new songs that we will be completing soon :)
Hay Realy Good man
This was how you say it Yumbo? Tight? well i liked it very much, wish i did i some thing for Christmas but meh i think i giveing up on makeing music, You keep on rocking man. lml
Never give up on makin' music, often times i feel like i go for long stretches with no inspiration, or i just can't make a song for whatever reason, but one day i sit down and it just comes to me, never give up on music.
nice man nice!
This is very good =) you might want to teach me a thinkg or two on FL you are very good my friend, thanks for all your Revies man i thought i come a check out your stuff, Baller!
If u got any q's just leave em in my box, i'll write back no prob. and thanx for da review.
Wow man you got skills. I like its good I wish i could loop like you Haha, send me an E-mail im working on my new song ^.^
This was realy good
you did this by your self? well im just shocked. you did a good job man. keep on rocking lml
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03