Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds

Mandi Christensen @Druids-Warcry

Age 35, Female

Home town anarchist

Frederick community collage

Frederick, MD

Joined on 11/25/03

Exp Points:
6,430 / 6,940
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Vote Power:
6.63 votes
Audio Scouts
Police Lieutenant
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Druids-Warcry's News

Posted by Druids-Warcry - May 28th, 2010

Just one Ticket can give you a ride on the Carnival of Dance!!! so step right up and have a marry ol time!

And yes... thats my fat ass on a kiddie ride... and yes i did pay the quarter to ride it!

You ready for a RIDE!

Posted by Druids-Warcry - April 14th, 2010

About This much

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /325543

check it out new grounds and remember them good ol days!

How much do i <3 high school girls?

Posted by Druids-Warcry - March 4th, 2010

Hey there NG, what you thought we all died?

nah i know the Audio protal has had there problems but look... the artests are not gone! we still got sick fuckers like warspawn pumping out the hot hits like Manifest Destiny and Digital Xcstasy and like 500 other people i can link to you

i just want you all know ... even with the drama we get in the AP we cant leave! NewGrounds is a home to most of us... so call it how you want remember us NewGrounds... cus with out us where would you get cool Audio for your 3rd rate stack of shit you call a flash cartoon? (or undress cartoon porn games?)

Yeah we are still around

Posted by Druids-Warcry - January 16th, 2010

We the "unforgivable" do the "unthinkable" for the "ungrateful"

In this case in talking about all them guys out there in Hip hop NG that sample.

I bet 80% of you are going "WTF are you talking about?" the fact is Newgrounds your all douche bags and dildo lickers there are hundred of grate musician out there on this site getting a daily beating for what? MAKING WONDERFUL MUSIC!

im sorry but NewGrounds is "EVERY THING BY EVERY ONE!" so why so you get your panitys in a knot when some ones says "n****r" or makes a "white supremacy" flash? think about it your all a bunch of jack offs that laugh at baby raping, 911, aids, rape, fag beating, unicorns with big fucking dicks on there heads, and jesue getting gang banged by tellytubbys! so why is it so fucking horrible when some one samples a fucking song from kingdom hearts?

the way i look at it if you ban YunVeroz (link to yuns page) you need to ban any ones whos sampled! like War-spawn, killbill, InGenius, heywire, freddyfinger, ect ect (the list can go forever) then you need to ban every one in the video game portal and any one whos ever used a fucking Midi (witch is all of you!)

so support change on newgrounds! please sign your name up right here to make the audio portal better for us all!

NEW GROUNDS! "Every thing by Every one!"

*edit* fuck Chronamut hes a douche bag dildo licking cunt cuddler who needs his eyes to get raped out with a mesh of barred wire!

Posted by Druids-Warcry - December 19th, 2009

Hey every one, how you all doing? its yeah boy druid the motherfucking (not so much these days) NOMAD!!!! BTW your not going to get any Christmas porn shots... you HO HO HOMOS! (got yeah bitch!)

Whats been going on with me? well bought all my Christmas shit early this year! (woot woot) got me a lady friend who's "not" like 50... or a fucked up incest M.I.L.F pain slut or some one who will cheat on me with the dog!

working on a few new songs like "Mind of Monks" Click here to get a link to the WIP, and the "WoW - ITS HIP-HOP!" series! i only got like 6 more races to cover plus the bones song "MMMEEERRRLOCKS!" those cute fish eyed basters, so ugly no one could ever love'em! but they gave a place in our hearts... or my belly. (fish sandwich's rock boi!)

but as the days go by just remember to enjoy your holydays with your loved ones and stay safe

now i give you a pic of me going up to a random guy at a wal mart and taking a pic with him cus he looked like santa... BTW hes NAS-car loven, 6 wheel driven, honky tonk loven Asian from Alabama.


Merry XXXmess every one!

Posted by Druids-Warcry - October 27th, 2009

Hey every one its Druid, and im here to tell you i have finished my new beat Shogun braker! i put a lot of hard work in to this and i hope you all enjoy it! time to Cash in your IOU Reviews dudes :P and start handing them too me!

Listen, vote and review :) and most of all just dig it!

NOTE IS A HIP HOP song With massive brakes and samples from some old ass Asian style music

p.s... pic has nothing todo with song... just winnin the views over :Pshogun brake

Shogun Braker! is 100% done!

Posted by Druids-Warcry - September 22nd, 2009

/* */
OK watch this video and be like OMG WOW, cus its true im giving up booty to World of warcraft. but on another note i'm working on a serise of songs for my "WoW WTF" collection (i know i had to pull a DJ delinquent)

this is the first song in the collection

High born, hip hop (oh yeah nice name)
the next on the list is in following

-Storm wind Rage- (human)
-Gold, Girls, and Beard- (dwarf)
-Ghetto Gnomes- (gnomes)
-concrete forest- (night elf's)
-Exodar, Get your gun- (Draenei)

just look for them soon :P and enjoy newgrounds

Posted by Druids-Warcry - September 13th, 2009

Here's some thing different to talk about, i know your all ready to hear some off the wall shit like "RAPE FETISH DONKY PROSTATE!"

but really i don't feel like a freak topic debate.

some things been on my mind lately and its a for letter word you all have heard before (90% of you thought "Fuck" 7% thought "Life" 2% might have said "Love" and 1% said "Jews"... you people know who you are -.-)

but yes in this segment i want to talk about love, emotions, feelings, compassion. there's more then meaning of love to me. I feel there are many meaning of love, and some times i get confused in these mixed up stages. funny is it not? we make the game, the rules, and the system, but we can never conform to our own image of perfection.

well lets start out with my 1st meaning of love

joy towards

like i Love blueberry muffins... i mean there awesome they put a smile on my face... they make me "happy" i mean i don't want to kiss them, stick my cock in them, or cuddle them up in bed... but they make me feel good. so i have set in my mind that muffins are good, there for i should have affection for them, but will this muffin love me back? I'm sure it wont unless its nutrients is its way of saying "i love you too".

Person / Emotions to

1. i love some people in my life like my best buddy Brad, I feel he is my brother of another blood. i do any thing for that guy. he has been there for me and i have been there for him. there is a respect between up a bond, and even though we fight or not get along some times we are happy when we spend time with each other. Brad has been on my mind alot. I have not talk to him in a while and i wounder if hes all right. If i lost brad i be very shaken
my love for brad is very odd at times but more most times its a very shared experience, we share the good times and let them roll. Brad Stevens where ever you are i hope you are alright man. - "A honored love"

2. another person i love is my Grandpa (pepa) wise in years, he is a hard working man with good morals. this man has taken a very crappy simple way of living and turned it around for the better. he has always taken care of his kin and put others ahead of him self. his name is bill cullop. this man is the pinnacle of selflessness... he not only gives to his own but to any one who needs it... i have literally seen this man give his shirt to some one else off his back. this man has giving to the point where he suffered for it. That is a love beyond words. - "A Giving love"

3. this person took me in when i had nothing, i was by my self and there was no one who cared for me. her name is Katlin "Kitty" Heart.
when i was homeless she took me in and took care of me, not knowing who i was or where i came from she showed me a love of compassion. she loved me not cus i could give her any thing but for the simple fact of helping some one. from her i learned to Give to others when they have nothing to offer, a small act of kindness can better the world. i left Kittie in D.C and i miss her very much. she is always on my mind and always in my heart. -"A Compassionate love"

4. This next person i don't like to talk much about but he should get the respect for so many thing. This next person is Franklin "mookie" Anderson. When i was in D.C he was my 1st friend... like in the whole fucking world. this guy took the time to get to know me and understand my way of life. We where two very different people. I was a white kid from the suburbs and he was a black kid from the projects. like a spoiled punk i was to him he was richer in ways i would never be... and that was love. his family cared for him and even though they didn't have the new and improved they where a family... see my family was broken in may ways... my mother left me at a very early age and my father was a dick. he remarried a twisted evil woman of hate called Linda... i hated her as a kid but this is not about hate its love...

mookie gave his own life for me. he got shot from a very angry kid in D.C. that shot was for me. i should have been the in the ground. not him. He loved me so much he took a bullet for me. People always say "I take a bullet for you dude!" but how many really do, and do they mean literal bullets? he sacrificed every thing for me and every day i have to live with the fact that his blood is on my hands this is a love i show for him its a painful love. -"A Painful love"

i know what your all thinking to your self... What does it all mean.

well the thing i want to point out is love is a very bleak emotion, Love... silly fore letter word of joy that brings sorrow where ever it trieds

with the muffin once you eat it... its gone...then your said you have no muffin, with brad i love him but when we fight it hurts to know i have angered a friend, my pepa will give to the point where he has nothing and that can kill a man. to give to other to the point where you cant provided for your self is very dangerous, Kitties love is complicated when i was with her she gave up so much for me, her compassion was not a weakness but it left her with less, cus of me she did not go to France to become a painter, she lost many of boyfriends cus of me and many days of her life what where hers but she gave to me cus my stupidity... she may never get that chance with her old life but that is the consequence that comes with compassion... with mookie he payed with his own life. this is self explained and now i am pained every time i think of the lost one from my life i will never get too see. just before he died he said he take a bullet for me and he asked "ash you do the same right?" i just laughed but didn't answer him... now i will never get to that is powerful guilt i will forever feel on that day. i mean he let out blood for me and i could not even let out air... selfish

love is pain - suffering - and struggle, and when you feel these things that's when you truly know you love some thing or some one

thanks for reading my jumbled mess of text i know you get a little insight on this and a little on me.

Posted by Druids-Warcry - September 6th, 2009

Champions.... best hero game ever!

if you wanted to talk to me... im sorry this is going to be my life for the next month

ok i need to say it

Posted by Druids-Warcry - September 1st, 2009

Hey hey there every one, I know what your thinking... World of war craft and hip hop? Ah WTF Wanker! well after a few good wanks... i thought of this fucked up flipper baby where i would sample chunks of the Highborn song in a Hip song with no Rhyme of reason drums! Woot woot winner idea right? well you decide that my New Grounds friends, I love to see some feed back! hell i don't care if you review saying "fuck this shit!" so click the link bob your hear to this mind fuck of a song dig it, vote it, Review it, and fav it if you like. its all about the enjoyment of the music homie...

(for all those who care i watch blizz con heard that girl sing the song and went to work! i do play WoW on the Twisting Nether server "RP-PvP" human Warrior Spect Prot! :P toons name is Viceal armor him if you like "for warn the gear blows... D:)

WoW... Yeah its hip hop now...

WoW and HIPHOP !?!?!?!