if you say YES! then click this link and be blown away!!!!
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /264609
this is a new song i made called Wind Winged Butterfly i hope you all enjoy it! cus it was worth making it :P tell me what you think NG!
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03
Posted by Druids-Warcry - August 17th, 2009
if you say YES! then click this link and be blown away!!!!
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /264609
this is a new song i made called Wind Winged Butterfly i hope you all enjoy it! cus it was worth making it :P tell me what you think NG!
Posted by Druids-Warcry - August 9th, 2009
So yeah no new projects from me, yeah i know its a shame... but really theres too much work to be done and im fucking tapped of time... i was working on a song with DZK and WarBuxs but i might scrap the whole fucking project. i know what your saying "OH matt! your being EMO!" no im not being EMO! im really fucking busy and i dont feel like making beat... i mean jesus dick suck christ wagons! i make hald ass songs as is.... less work is over kill! might as well post a genaric UM TIS UM TIS with defults FL sounds and say "I MAK MUZIK PLEZ MY DEK" for real off my ass... i have to many clowns riding it already.... so yeah if you like post a comment or some thing as for now... im going to WoW it up and get stupit
Please enjoy this Vid of "lords of Acid" I Must Increase My Bust... good song, Thumbs up! :P
/* */
P.S this is a cat from my work named milly... she is trying to take my fucking muffin... dumb cat
Posted by Druids-Warcry - July 25th, 2009
Ok so its Friday, i get off of work and my aunt asks me if i like to go to the carnavil with her cus my uncle ditched out on her, well i was like "meh what ever, its not like i have any thing better to do" (lie my hand and a butt plug is so worth it! J/k -.- or I'm I? :0...) so we head out the door, as we do my deadbeat ass of a room mate comes stumbling in all hammered talking about the Beebe gun game, "OH DUDE! YOU NEED TO PLAY THE GAME WITH THE GUN! PEW PEW DUDE! SHOOT OUT THE STAR WIN A SPOONGE BOB TOY! WORD! LETS GO!!!!!" - said the douche bag drunk roommate,
so we get in the car and bounce.
we get there it rains a little bit and clears out... we find a parking place easy! (oh it was good!)
we walk around a bit and i see Skiball! (for them who dint know I'm a skiball junkie) so i drop like 10 bucks in Skiball playing and this Carine kid is laughing at me the whole time, i say for get that kid and get cotton candy... as we get the cotton candy my drunk ass room mate is telling me this story how he use to do maintenance in a psycho ward ( i bet he was there ) and how they hold a caravel like this and there was a "pretty young doll" who rolled up her cotton candy in little tiny balls... and she would say its less fattening when smaller. we roll our eyes and walk away. I win about 20 some odd bucks out of the little roulette games and get some dinner.
i still got skiball on my mind, so i go back to the booth. the same kid is there and he is laughing at me like a mother fucker! and i play a few games, after a while he stops laughing, he walks up at me and tells me i really suck at this game. i tell the kid to beat it
he tells me "I bet you $60 i can get a perfect game of Skiball, backwards!". I tell the kid "BULLSHIT!" and i take him on the bet...
(Jesus I'm a dumb fuck) he rolls up his sleeves and Gets all 6 balls and rolls them one buy one with both hands and they roll in the 50 marker (he gets 300 points rolling the balls behind his back)
I'm stunned! the little fucker did it! i blink for a second and he walks up to me. now this is where its hella creepy. the little Carrie kid had on a monkey palm necklace, he gives me the evil eye and tells me to pay up or else.
now I'm scared, i got a mystic mage Carrie kid pissed off and he might cast some fucked up trailer Poe voodoo on my ass, i mean shit while i was not looking he could have took my hair and like hot glued it on a prize they cant give away and make a doll out of it to shove needles in the crouch to make me feel sharp pains in the penis! (hot i know) so i give the kid the money and back away...
and that's how Friday went.
War-Spawn is beat battling DJ Delinquent
hit this track up now! review it, vote it! and show some love to this kid!
(any reviewers and voters will get reviews and vote from me i will do music and flash (hell even art))
Posted by Druids-Warcry - July 19th, 2009
well god damn it and Damn me! im sorry i lost all my data on my music and projects i was working on, but im starting a whole new set of shit, some ideas where ment to be lost
but heres a new spit im writing
in the concreted war zone, everyone cold to the bone,
skin touch of stone, all alone
tossed in there darkness, void,
and avoid the anguish it brings,
angels don't sing when there
roped in the basement, under 6 layers of cements,
incinerate what left, gold holy powder
brush it off the corps dust, ash to ash,
black powder gas, a sinners lust lasts, slashed n
gash body blood bath, night noise echo mad laughs as
i drag cadavers past lone streets, no heartbeat
a monster in the making, where gods words braking
cressus cold flesh kiss of death breath, and i feel
alive when i close my eyes
every time i close my eyes, i see nothing changes
blood shed and affliction
every where i go, its what we only know.
I Found this really ill beat off shadowville.com! grate site for good beats.
and i got to say im very proud of Warspawns new songs, please check him out! hes got some new mindblowing songs
Posted by Druids-Warcry - June 14th, 2009
Mmmk so here we go, today is Sunday and I usually get a load off my mind on Sunday... it's the one day that I blog about whatever the fuck on New Grounds because my life is insignificant and I'm really not doing anything important any more.
Today I said to myself "Matthew... (That's right I talk to myself) it's Sunday and you woke up really early (7:00) what are you going to do today?" so I thought of a list of shit I should do, like Clean my house, or do my laundry, or fix up my room so I can place my keyboard when it comes in the mail, or I can work on a few songs, or you can go downtown and hang out and pick up some records, but no I got online and started to think about an old manga I use to read called "Gravitation" (that's right... I read Yaoi) so yeah I looked online for the episodes of Gravitation so I can watch them and I must say I must have gotten gayer or something but I fucking cried at the end of season... one it's like 13 episodes (which I think is shit... I hate it when it's too short) I mean I loved reading the comics but the show its self was like powerful emotion and it was kind of hot at some points xD it brought back a lot of good (yet slightly awkward) moments of my years growing up. Haha my care taker Kitty she was noisy and I use to hide the books under my bed so she never find them (haha try explain to your mother that your reading male on male fantasy books?) I was always embarrassed by it... and it's an odd story how I came across it too. I mean I'm not "gay" but I always love a good read you know? Haha I'm a sucker for chick flicks and shit well one of my good friends in high school told me it was a good story and I should read it. She lent me the first book and I got in to it, bought the rest and read them on the buss, in-between classes, and lunch. Haha I just became obsess with it and it kind of opened me up to their mangas out there. So If any one has any comments about anime or manga or just want to talk about Gravitation leave a comment :3
Yuki = <3
Posted by Druids-Warcry - June 6th, 2009
Hello NewGrounds, the time is 7:20 (GMT -06:00, that's D.C mother fucker!) yes I know it's early in the morning! Yes you're right NewGrounds that is early in the morning. I bet your thinking to yourself... "ah why is this mother fucker up so early on a Saturday?" well there DUDE, I'm sitting at my computer chair sitting in my under where squealing with utter joy for when I logged in to do my daily flash voting (I do it in the morning before work) I saw that I hit 100 fans! I bet you are like "fucking big deal, I bet you never talk to any of them" well you might be right and you might be wrong, I thank all my fan and I appreciate every one I got, my one hundred fans mean a lot to me and I will help any of them out as best as I can! Not because there "only" my fans but there people who I am close to musically. I hit a small milestone I feel to greatness, maybe its ego talking or maybe it's just all the joy hitting my head but I think this is the start of something new for me! I might one day be as big as F-777 (who is insane with his "I PM inbox over 2k people bullshit" :3 I love you honey!) so to wrap this little note up, I want to say "Thank you every one who added me to their favorite list on NewGrounds, you make me feel special."
Oh, and for all who love Sick ass music please go to YunVeroz Patient Zero EP I have to say spawn im sorry Blue Moon Bounce is now my new all time fav song (it was The Legacy (Hip-Hop))
On the other note I have a lot of shit going on this month!
This is a list of projects I strive to have finished by the end of the month
-Project List-
1. Rap battle ageist Wyze Stingray It's a round for round cypher. I picked up the beat at Shadowvile CHECK THEM OUT NOW!!!!
2. I have a song im working on with Monk D. Villain called "Last Drop" we got the beat from AfroJonez and the song is called "Running From The Bottle" I like to personally say "Thank you Afro for letting me use the beat and im fucking sorry its taking me so long!"
3. I'm in the works in a production collaboration with *act surprise* Joey "mother fucking" Keys (I just thought I need to expand my horizon and collab with every NewGrounder out there! I feel it's going to be a banger!)
4. Im talking to a guy called BeatSource (hes a monster! please check him out!) about a production collaboration. that will be sex in the mouth!
5. Please don't forget that mother fucking DxR is still alive and kicking! Digital xcstasy Records (F-777 and I) we are working on our very own mix tape called "Siphoning Worlds" it's what happens when you take two crazys sounds and inject them in the world! You get Jesse V. and M.T.C!
6. I'm working on a few Solo Projects here I'm remixing every ones loved song "Don't worry, be happy" by Bobby McFerrin and I'm remixing it into a Dance song called "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY! (Hard core) "I know its bitchin idea.
7. and the last bit of the projects list... a collab with DZK and Mr. WarBuxs.
And that's pretty much about sums it up. Oh and to you warspawn watch that ass son cus I got something for out! (And it's not a penis... it's a diss track)
Take care every one and I do hope you keep a look out for these upcoming projects!
Posted by Druids-Warcry - May 22nd, 2009
Why hello every one reading this post! What's good with you? Ah I really don't give a shit about you because this post is about me! (yay me) Well what's been going on with Ash man? Well TONS OF SHIT! Well first off I got my name changed. It's legal now (Matthew Tyler Christensen) haha yeah I was sick of being called Ashley, um let's see... I lost 50lb so far in two months, I am in training to become a cop, and I sighed up for the Navy! (WOOT! GO NAVY) I was in the hospital two times, Sliced the fuck out my thumb and my arm is messed, (got the skin ripped off and burned) I donated blood to red cross! (You should too!) I went to prom (prom blows) hooked up with my girl friend... "EX" now, ha ha! (Stinky vagina!) and now I'm renting a room in a quiet neighborhood, that is in the house of my kick ass uncle and aunt, working a sweet job as a grounds keeper getting twelve bucks an hour to sleep and smoke. ( I'm just that good)
I got like 20 ideas for some new songs keep an eye out for them! Post something here telling me how much yah love me! but yes in two days I will release my demo of my grand idea song!
Posted by Druids-Warcry - March 17th, 2009
Have one on me!
Good Friends
Good Times
Good Drinks
-Ashley Christensen
Posted by Druids-Warcry - March 11th, 2009
Well hey every on my news page, if you're here you might be friend, fan, or foe whose stalking me so you can cut out quotes and past them to a picture you Photoshop :P I <3 you all too in the anus hole!
I just wanted to start off this segment of Ashley Rants and Raves by saying I'm a level 19 NewGrounder! W00t I got it yesterday! Still a Police Sergeant in the Blams / Saves Rank, Garbage Whistle Status, oh and I still don't post in the forums!
My "preferred" picks (this is something new I'm going to start. I'm going to show off two links on NewGrounds that I love. One Flash and one song! I mean fuck me... Steven Colbert has the "Word" so I thought get a preferred picks list!)
Frist off here the pick of the week for flash! It's called Racism! the artist is Slay-meek
Really good awareness flash, it's kind of childish but it get the message across. DON'T HATE YOU CARPIT MUCHING DIKES! (xD haha sorry it was too funny)
And second off the song of the week! The song is called Oh Porn it's about OMG you guessed it!!! PORN! By Vago187, best song I feel, I mean the first line was
Have you ever masturbated so much
nothing comes out
and then you wonder perhaps you broke it
you over did it nothing comes out
Oh and still the best line
You find the power puffs hot
you are sick so Why not you often wonder
what it would be like
to have sex with crossed eyed pirate transvestite
Go Rate and Review them both and give the artist some props!
(If you think you got a hot little song send me a pm!)
Um'k let's get to the Rants and Raves before I forget what I wanted to Rant and Rave about!
I'm I the only one getting really, really sick of random ass motherfuckers just begging for 5's? I mean I know that's newgrounds but god men have some self respect! Yeah today out of no where a dude I have not spoken too in well over a year sends me this message
New song http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /linktosomebullshitsong
I go Druidswarcry (10:36:31 AM): who are you?
Guy with no name 861 (10:36:43 AM): ----- -----, yes its been over a year
Druidswarcry (10:37:26 AM): ahh
Guy with no name 861 (10:40:53 AM): so yea, if you could 5 that would be great
Ahhhhh, see this is a prime example of things I hate more than anything on the internet
Really I found the song to be really shitty. I mean really, really shitty.
People that send me these links I just close them and I will not talk to that person again.
But yeah I'm really getting sick of that shit! I mean it's different if you pop me a link on MSN or AIM going "Yo Druid what up man! I got this new song Ashley would you mind taking a peep at it?" I would have a much better attitude towards your song and you as an artist! People don't have the god give right for scores. I mean shit you need to EARN it.
Ok let's look at a prime person I saw that I enjoyed listing too.
this cats got some good ideas in his music really nice lyrics and word play! This is the kind of guy that can get away with bare minimal on over all EQing. Why is that? Cus this cat is raw, free thinking, and has shit to say!
On to the next topic...
You know the kinds that talk and talk and talk but never really say a lot, but think there this dark depressed individual, self sufficient, independent woman that has a message to the world!
I say that's one part Hillary Clinton one part stupid self righteous cunt who has a hand in daddy's wallet.
Wait no... that's all Hillary Clinton still...
Ok well pretty much what happen was there was a girl on NewGrounds, I saw has little to NO FLOW rhyme scheme sucked nards, recording quality really made me want to kill myself, but instead of mocking the poor talentless girl I decided I was going to help her... WOW PEOPLE IF YOU GET THAT IDEA IN YOUR HEADS... yeah STOP THINKING!
Ok so I contact her, told her that she had potential, and from there that was an invention to talk about her hard life as a spoiled trailer Trash bitch. Ok she was not trailer trash I don't know but she went on and on about shit I really did not care about, how she's always being judged for being different
Ok fuck holes reading and got this far... SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're different just like us. Meaning we are all the same you retarded ass cunts! We all have our problems, we all have our troubles and traumas, I don't need a spoiled white bitch telling me how she's fucking in the head because daddy didn't by a sport car!
Ok last thing on my list of thoughts
Don't you hate it when you leave people reviews on NewGround... and the author does not have the common respect to response? That the kind of shit that makes you stops reviewing! I mean fucking A people. I'm not going to tell you what I think if you're not going to be there to take feedback, I mean if it's just posting what I think then it's me critiquing the wall. The wall won't paint its self because I told it that it should get a new coat of paint
Ok NG stay pretty and be sure to keep a look out for DxR's new songs and my new song "A new Coming!" and if you don't I will blow up Jew-iter! The Nazis told me I could!
heres a YouTube moment of Zen, oh and PS... THE PIC DOWN THERE IS WHY I HATE QUEERS! i really dont hate them but why man! WHY!!!!!! that was metalopolis!!!!
/* */
Posted by Druids-Warcry - March 7th, 2009
Ok i been seeing the same ol lame shit going on NG kiddie acting dumb dime a dozen
well as we know lejin started from gay little movment called "RoF" what is Real over Fake... ok what are they being real about? i really dont understand that. whats so fake they need to be "real" well heres a sign i see as fake
This is an AIM convo im guessing Lejin had with me like a few mins ago pretending to be Reven
(wow thats soooo real)
Poetic Reven (10:33:01 AM): sup fagggg
Poetic Reven (10:33:12 AM): u fat fuck what r u doin huh
Poetic Reven (10:33:53 AM): y u buggin out u greasy ball of shit huh
Druidswarcry (10:35:31 AM): hi lejin how are you?
Poetic Reven (10:35:52 AM): haha u fat fuck
Poetic Reven (10:35:59 AM): HOW ARE U
Poetic Reven (10:36:19 AM): your acount is next
Poetic Reven (10:36:22 AM): fat bitch
Poetic Reven (10:36:26 AM): ROF
Poetic Reven (10:36:27 AM): BANG
Poetic Reven (10:36:29 AM): KO
Druidswarcry (10:36:31 AM): take i dont care
Poetic Reven (10:36:32 AM): ~!!!
Druidswarcry (10:36:36 AM): well have fun
Poetic Reven (10:36:42 AM): HAHAHAHA
Poetic Reven signed off at 10:36:45 AM.
Poetic Reven is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
well i made a mistake on typeing lejin i know your tolling so here i was saying "take it, I dont care" cus really i dont, your a lame ass mother fucker tolling the net pretend goonie doing nothing but your old antics of hit and run for attion. the fuck you predending to reven is funny to me, what you know your not good enought so you have to pretend to be him?
yeah hes getting sick of revens girl telling him off
so yeah, theres nothing real about little Logen let him run around talking shit to people that really dont give a rats ass any more, keep playing in the sand box boy. you can have NewGrounds... all of us are doing bigger things.
lejin join rapmusic.com im sure you would not last the 1st round you might get a chance to battle your Hero DZK
Heres a Screen shot of this Oh so BIG BAG Monster on NewGrounds whos the Tarrer Topic of all the scared Ventrilo villagers! i hope your mottlie crew of R.o.F wolfs dont huff and puff my basment away xD