this is kick ass
this is got to be one of the better songs on NG, its Tight man the Drums where magic, the trumpit was teh sex, and the strings got me wet. i love it
this is kick ass
this is got to be one of the better songs on NG, its Tight man the Drums where magic, the trumpit was teh sex, and the strings got me wet. i love it
hahah yeah, lots of sex in this i guess hah.
its like Ozzy
Not bad, you add alot of FX on your voice sounds like acid Ozzy!!!! wooooo!
not bad man 1.68 / 5.00 (+ 0.95) "5" vote 9/10
its good. man the song is tight. the voice is stringy, like I dont know that main guy dont seem to fit even though its your band, its a sound i need to get use to it. not bad at all, thats a good drummer. I got mad respect for real bands on NG most people make Untis untis music this is a good change up.
Actually it's the same guy, though you're right. It was an Ozzy impression gone wrong. I think the unprocessed track sounded more like Carol Channing
Point Blank
it is, what it is.
I never Stand with R.M.P, or any thing. I keep my pact with my homie I got yo back homie you know that, stand by yo side. real knows real. thats all i got to say. Lejin I got to say man, you where right, but the beef was still funny.
It is what it is...
this is not bad
it starts out slow, the intro with un tis, un tis was good, I dont think god sounds like that... the song it cool. but the God is a DJ is a bit repetative. trippy though, i tryed going some thing like this a long time ago but scraped the project, really good. it kicks nice.
I'm glad you liked it druid. <3 :) thanks for the review :)
nice man
I love that song!!!! really man every step of the way. :P keep it up jesse
I love you man! Thanks so much!
damn man
Zatoichi Mother fucker!
Love it! really spawn, Really good! i love it! I dont know if i helped much but i loved listing to it in the 2 or so days it took to make this song, Really good, >.> sample of Yun Scratching, :) lawl love this song man!!!!
Oh i still think Eachis would win "if" we give him a space helmit and Take Zatoichis Sword, and Stuff in an air tight room, oh Snap! you did take my Advice on the Break down :D woot! this is Greatness!!!!
Warspawn Number one Hero for Hip-Hop NG...
Eachis would get eaten alive by Zatoichi. And of course I took your advice, it was disgusting the way I had it before. Zatoichi ftw.
this is really good
worth the top 5, Really good stuff here, its got a spacie vibe on it and its all like wow so chilled and yet distent. really good work
Ok going out with a bang
wow this is song 30 now about War spawn? You have Crackle and static on the mic still. "lovein that shit man" you still got Ses on your mind, you keep telling people R.M.P is dead, but your voice keeps it alive. Wow man where you get the time to make songs if you "busy busy busy" I mean god dude, where do you find time to make songs and come to n***as hoods if you out Playing that City of heroes game, haha, you sound hard on a mic when you can yell. And I'm sure you still aren't Trying, your quality of your music shows.
BTW how long did it take to record? How many times your mom knock on your door telling to you settle down. hey Lejin, so you did find away to travel in Cyber space? Wow creepy no life E thug you got pictures of all of them? Still sad if you think if you really came to his house think there be a real pictures of your face? Man you cant even show your own face in all the recording, the car? The fast food place? Dude you hide your face more then Dr. Doom. You have there Address you still aint shown your face. How about this, post your address we will find you. I mean last I heard you cant read a road map, still using Gray hound. X-cal Jail, Ha ha I hope your lawyers get him out in the year or two. Like you said.
Quick link anywhere from 30 years to 63+ years now NJ does not have the Death penalty now I think your little buddy is but fucked
Well lejin here's some thing to hate on 28OyE
That link is got a clip of War spawns song in it. see if you can find it. 3:47 in to the Vid man you will hear.
ahhh and in the words of Big bad... i think it goes.
Kkkkkkk. Ooooooooooo
( oh BTW people he sampled that sound from M.U.G.E.N. its a cool game, seems lejin knows his way around the net more then most people)
Heyyyy why arent you playing some more war of the warcraft you fat angry acne insane drivern zero bombing sloppy virgin nerd XD
Easy on that keyboard fatty LMFAO!!!
wrtie a blog about me =D
(Oh BTW, I get more pussy, more money and more respect than you will ever see in your whole entire pathethic war of the warcraft life LMFAO!!!!)
the truth hurts!
Get some proactive for that flabby face captain acne tubby zit face nerd with a low pay barely getting through your warcaft deposits...lmfao
that was dumb... not funny. you sound like a emo Rapist chicken retard...
its was funny at last tho
I like your beard.
really nice
wow, this is good. this is a powerful sound you got here man, really digging this song. i love the drums they sounds like some one i knows. (not the drums them self but the style) other then that man the sound is smooth and claming really relaxed mate. I dig this a lot, not a lot bad i can say about it, very very good job. all i can say i hope you finnish it!
it is finished. :D the final version is on my myspace :D thanks a bunch bro. :D This is what's been keeping me busy for the last couple of weeks
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03