not bad, really like it
really chilled you know? sounds like a sample or two :) nice bass really flows and its just nice, very good job
not bad, really like it
really chilled you know? sounds like a sample or two :) nice bass really flows and its just nice, very good job
i dig it
really chilled out ( relaxing ) i really like it, you sould Make it longer, i would to hear the rest!
Thanx, I'll try to make ti longer!
Eh its like really bad homie
I dont want to sound like a dick but there is no way in hell this is easy on the ears, i mean Its just Eh really bad, makes me depressed to listen to it, not cus its say cus even if you where mixing and messing with the x=y controller you could have tryed it to sound nice, i mean really man its like a Cracked out ARP mixed in with a sad Piano and it tears me up...
Maybe next time?
There's this thing with me. After I finish a song and upload it I realise that it sounds terrible. Then I can't be bothered removing it so that others don't have to endure the torture of listening to it. I guess it's a bad habit, but wth I still do it.
I'm not sure what you meant, or what even is, "a Cracked out ARP" but I'm guessing that it's not good. The piano is default (lmao) of the 3xOsc if I remember correctly.
Maybe next time...
So, how could I improve? I know what it sounds like, I have ears too you know, I just want to know what I could improve for next time.
its not bad man
has a lot of work that needs on it, its almost ambent you know? Ejay is crap IMO really simple to use to get sounds like this, FL is good for people who move on from Ejay, i would try to get that if i where you. other then that not bad clean it up and could be a hit.
I know it's simple and would be time to move on, but actually the song is old. I did try FL but don't seem to find my way around...guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks :/
WoW this is the shit!
damn this is the shit i love to hear man! props! love it! flowless! and damn, the words just speek man you know?
i mean damn
thx brotha ill be online later
wow man
you keep blowing my F'en mind away!!!!!
long live Fx7!
King of NG techno
Luv you man!
cool man
but dont go much of any where bro, good tho
Please sir, refer to my page and read teh news. Thanks for the review.
really nice bro
Loven this shit, kick ass as always bro! keep it real man.
Thanks, man. Hey, I'm workin' on our collabo...I'm gonna get together a simple track, just the drums and main melody, pass it to you for harmony and bass treatment, then you can pass it back and I'll do the final touches and make it sizzle, how's that for a collab? I'll be on it today off-and-on, but it prolly won't be done til tuesday or so. Hit me up, I'll hit AIM tomorrow sometime.
but its really up beat
really cool man, its take awhile to build
nice voice clip! ^_^ cheers bro good song!
Thanks! :D :D
i really dig this man
props, this is really good! i mean like WoW kick ass!
iight thnx bro
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03