like aways man
the drummer is like like 1000000 MPH on this now did you get some one for it or you used a Beat maker for it? but still
wow rocking Badman
like aways man
the drummer is like like 1000000 MPH on this now did you get some one for it or you used a Beat maker for it? but still
wow rocking Badman
You should have seen the little cocksucker on the double bass. He looked like richard simmons on speed.
naw...I used a drum machine. FL to be exact with ezdrummer plug in. haha. Thanks for the review, my friend!\m/
wow man
all i can say is... uh
K.O! G-Style.
nice man! really love the Violin! you really hit hard man, really the drums where banggin! the Custom Voice was Sick man. over all good job. top notch!
Yo thanks man... I appreciate the words :D This Battle was over quick I tell yah XD
oh shit! Nav
Mind blowing to the max!!!!
NG's Number one and only Nav!
Thanks! :D :D
lawl nothing sexyer then
theres nothing more sexy then Wyldfyre
hahah of course :)
wow this is really good!
i cant stand 8bit, but this is really nice man! really it got my 5 and love the flow and the sound of it! keep it up
4.67 / 5.00 (+ 0.088)
Thanks a bunch bro. That really means alot to me :D
awww man this is good
really man! this is pure awsome! i thought you quit tho
good song any way
You can't ever quit music.
4.10 / 5.00 (+ 0.17)
man this is really good man! down voters suck! but this song good
=D thanks bro, btw how ya been lately?
Stellar work!
first let me say this you got my 5 vote! 4.04 / 5.00 (+ 0.093)
Well I love the drums very much the woodblocks and vibro slap put a smile on my face! Really the piano was beautiful! Really riveting and uplifting like a triumph sound from a better distasteful loss! Yet it was subtle and the melodic feel flowed very majestically. The choirs was the cherry on top! This is a very wonderful work of art! The strings melted me and I could just flow freely in this sound. I must admit the percussion impressed me a lot too. Over all this is a master peace!
as always man thanks!
Ghetto fab man, its what dirty shine, haha you sound like run DMC
hahahah run dmc lol thanks man!
really nice man
love the swing in it at 1:20 ish, haha its nice! really smooth song! we need to work on that pirate song
thanks man!
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03