This song gives me a major HARD ON!
This song gives me a major HARD ON!
dude not bad
Cameron did good man, sounded a little corny on the whole "destruction of their or its brain matter". Very creepy. very cool i would love to work on some thing like this with you man!
can i at lest have the vox files.
oh yeah one more thing that snare drum is crispy as fuck!
lmL-on Badman
Thanks brother. Good to see you out and about! I'll talk to Cameron and see if he minds me sharing the file. He was a little concerned about it's usage, mainly because he is a distinct voice in the industry.
Thanks for your review, dude. Great to see you.
damn man
This is really good bad man, pro work as usual. Very very creepy man
Haha. Thanks maan!!!
This is just ill
Dude i love that cool cool Vibe man, you just went insane with it!
Well thank you!
not that grate dude
its a tad simple and never hits the jump off, the part of 1:21 in was the only part i liked dude.
need more oh a BANG in them drums, and you know... more going on
I have no idea what you are talking about lol.
i had no idea
lol i had no idea you was still making music lol
not a bad little track Nav
Yessir I'm still around... been doing more DJing than producing lately. Thanks for checkin' in! :)
fuck yeah
dude this is SICK!
its like two gods clashing in one dope mix! dude yo voice is butter on a yun track!
Thanks, but the whole vibe comes from Yun's take on a Dilla jam. I just put some words down and hit record.
Its really cool
I dig it a lot man, The brake down starting at 1:30 is really intresting... I love how well put it is.
its fresh its Dnb jazzy goodness i like the gliching on the vox
He hangs out in bars, hes got a few scares! haha i wish i thought to do some thing like this!
i just want to know what your using and how your doing it. this is dope! i would love to do my own version of this
You haven't heard the break part of this track yet
I have yet to finish it, so all the stretched out loops will be gone :]
DnB/Jazz was the aim for this track, as I think the two work together very well
I plan to be more versatile with the vocals as well.
There's a library of lines; I can be more creative
Avoiding the whole "I'm doing me" cliche, FL Studio, old jazz goodness, and me!
Thanks for dropping by
love it
dude once again, a song i want to remix!
go nuts with it
hey WF1
guess what!
i reviewed this song that does not really give any input about this song but instead makes me look like a tool cus im going to ask you to promote my music and vote 10!
lawl... you know what im talking about
LMFAO! Oh druid your so wonderful
Druid The Nomad, Met@4, Matthew Morose, Ashley Graves, That Guy from That thing. I'm known by many things in many places but here is where it all started. Enjoy Newgrounds
Age 35, Female
Home town anarchist
Frederick community collage
Frederick, MD
Joined on 11/25/03